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tv   Spotlight  RT  January 31, 2013 4:28am-5:00am EST

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hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on r t i well they're not bad my guest on the program today is. the french have a very special cinema tradition the french movies are not always as popular as big as the how would movies but many critics say that the french contribution to the art of filmmaking is no less and even maybe better than america so my guest on the program today a very famous french actor is also a script writer
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a comedian a television house may hear had met. in the early two thousand skadden a rat burst to the top of french cinematography and has become one of its most familiar faces started off as a comedian and later proved his skills in drama receiving the prestigious french sees a movie award for the role of the father who conceived the songs nevertheless comedies truly he's real i rather like no one else makes people smile sometimes tears. thank you thank you very much for being with us on this show i'm very glad to see you in the flesh finally after seeing it on screen well the first question i wanted to ask you i know i know that you actually didn't plan to be knocked to be in the
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movies when you were when you were a kid so how did you want to be. do you think what did i want to be. i wanted i wanted i wanted to be what i am today an entertainer. so i wanted to entertain people make them laugh perhaps sometimes make them cry. i want to jump or i would travel a lot and meet people all over the world. i think i'm very fortunate that i work in the film industry and i fulfilled my dream that i am what i wanted to be there for . so for you being what you are an actor a director a movie star is not. is actually it was only the way to do what you wanted to travel to see places. i
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don't know any other way at least for me to live the way i live. but perhaps i could do something else but i don't see how i could do what i did to do something else. somewhere. i've read that when you were ten. years founded a rock group and you started playing music and. you play yourself you believe the drug ok so what kind of music was that it was that i mean i mean small kids can really play rock n roll rock and roll really even in front. or pop or rock. do you know groups like deep purple purple yes this is the proper. start to school walk status quo even johnny holiday event. yeah so when johnny holiday. so basically the
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groups i mentioned. so i got this band together and we would perform in different places different festivals. we did this until we were both twenty one and i still love music. i still play music from time to time you play the drum because you can't read music you can play anything else. this is what usually happens you want to be in the group but you can play the piano is that is that it is. yes right you can play drums even if you can't read music if you actually you know. lazy and playing drums doesn't require much of your time is it was. much music classes of course but music is more of a pastime to me than a job was your band your group wasn't successful no. well
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you mean you mean you make any money but. we. just a little bit we're going to go through and we played mostly in restaurants and bars so in the evening if there was a lot of people we would get a certain percentage of if somebody buys a drink you get a share for example have fun and you get paid. so we would make some money and i made a living this way for a few years i didn't get rich or anything but i made a living. there so so you know you like played for food. or for yes i played for food and for that listen as so. he said that you still you still are very much into music do you play any music now do you have to do is to tell us about it you should continue to continue to play drums. and i still have
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a lot of friends among musicians. the don't all yeah sometimes i'm invited to play drums with the band. at a concert or in a restaurant. and sometimes i just wave my hand and say hey can i play drums with you about it and people invite me because they know me. and they want me to have fun with them but i'm actually not the bed playing drums you know because. well let's talk about. something different well they you said once that your you are of an algerian are region so you know you said that you you know . brother and sister they did experience problems with your name when you were kids and so did you also to the did experience some problems living in france and having in the jail in the is it still is it still a problem in the in the end of the twentieth and twenty first century yeah sure we
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thought we saw the difference more than half of the population are old you are in the know not. know not yet but you're right france has received numerous waves of immigrants over the years before it started after the war a credit gary this france sought to rebound after world war two. france welcomed immigrants who would later become french citizens. from france and there are generations of french people with foreign roots you know with on foreign names falls. and this is still a bit of a problem was what. they don't want to know why i don't know why they feel. that it was difficult for some to see people who are different from them. you know i always say that if i were president i would encourage every frenchmen to travel around the world is with us on the other places to see other
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lifestyles. there is a category of people in france about to the moment when war afraid of the things they don't know. what is you know and when they come across people with different names different faiths different routes their spirit. so this is still a problem in france and it is hard to resolve even though france is the birthplace of freedom and human rights if your name is different it is still difficult or this is you know. in a film he made a movie called. a you played and they'll jerry and pretending to be an italian yes that's true did you find any parallels with your own life and was there any special message that you wanted to. express to the audience by play or by made making this film. well personally i haven't experienced anything
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like that my father. my father who. changed his name when he moved to france. and you know he's a reason this work quite interesting. he wasn't charge of a group of french workers i did book and back in those days it was uncommon for an old syrian to be in a position of authority. to do so changed his name to void problems. even though i don't think he faced any particular problems then with the deal. so this story off pretending to be an italian book it is actually about the same thing of all to move you know. there are people who are worried that other research won't like them will go through what if it was and so they invent a different name there's always in a invent
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a different origin and i don't it. i guess is the message of this film that to these people is that they should not be ashamed of their roots. also they should not be afraid of anything there's always in that their roots going to be their strength. meanwhile i don't know about russia but in france having foreign roots is still a bit of a problem it is ok to be on the range and be black it is ok to be french and to be chinese so the problem is still there i think the message of the film as i think you should embrace your roots. they should make you stronger if you see they should help you. it's not easy but you shouldn't hide anything. understand my french will. break your good student alexander. well but today he speak perfect french or a popular person in france do you theo yourself to being french or do you feel
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yourself. you feel yourself and the year in french how do you identify yourself i mean this is very important not only. that i have never lived in algeria. i was born in algeria and i grew up in france my mother is french my father is old during the french. have to the liberation of algeria algerians were free to choose their country because back in those days old syria was part of france so if you have to choose this is. i think i'm french with all cheering roots african roots. and i embrace my origins. things that were regarded as a disadvantage because if you are now ma advantage i mean i have a lot of relatives and cousins that it's and i can go there to visit them but i'm
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not all cheery and i'm french think of all just like many other french people with foreign roots the problem is in the film very many french yes this way it's the same as here but within this is strange that you say that in the twenty first century it's still may be a problem especially for kids and young for young. people kids or younger people especially those living in the suburbs. you're right it is still difficult if they have a foreign name likely have foreign roots. people have certain ideas about the arab countries they. have certain ideas about all muslim countries and sometimes they're wary of people from those countries make you want something so the same plea shares are then applied to kids over foreign origin for victims says many french actor a filmmaker and comedian spotlight will be back shortly after we take a break so stay with us go.
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mission. critique take three. point three. three. three. three. three books video for your media projects free media r t v dot com. welcome back to spotlight on world we're not even just a reminder that my guest on the show today is cognate hob the french actor comedian filmmaker and television star. well in the movie you made another film that also touches upon problems of communication of different people this is a welcome to the stakes are very funny and they were said i was one of my favorites and as a matter of fact people many people say this is your best film you did in the best
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role you played do you agree this is really your best film or you have another favorite. so. it was very easy for me to work on this film. because it's a comedy it's often comic and i'm a comic actor comedian and even though this is not your comedy this isn't a mrs it's not exactly commute it's not louis to finish me you know the difference difference you see yes yes but it has a lot of funny scenes and yet it speaks of some serious things we. maybe maybe like yeah well you know. the definition splayed apart in the film called the great stroll or don't look now it was a very funny but it was about war and war as we know is a very serious subject so good french comedies talk about serious things you know
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funny way because of course this was a very important film but there was also another film with melanie lurana by felipe i don't know if you've seen it it's called i'm finance warrior it was also a very important film for me well since you've started speaking about the filmmakers well you may not answer this question but some people do well do you have a favorite movie a fellow the favorite filmmaker and that like like an idol for you know maybe an actor something that you really pride pray on you know like. brazil i have many. jim stewart jim stewart. because. he played an ordinary man and he was very natural very deep. love peter sellers in the pink panther or use a comedy actor comics trav again this bright but he's
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a very good actor. these actors have influenced me they inspire me and they place. little small people i mean they play little people would reply yes always this is what you do yes i did. yes these are actors that inspire me is that. for directors there are so many of them today but that perhaps frank capra it's a wonderful life. full also some mendis old real thomas anderson. and this. it is impossible to list everybody and i love jerry lewis to me jerry lewis was a great tragedy comical after. the nazi professor i don't know if you've seen this film it's a perfect movie it's funny and at the same time it's incredibly touching them
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because it is it is a rare combination well for he won naming naming the films and the actors that are sort of there they look somehow like the french films yeah not hundred percent hollywood yes well french films are very distinctive i mean most of the people can tell a french film after watching it for one three five minutes you know this is french film you know what's what is this that makes french cinema so distinctive so so different from from hollywood from anything else what is it. i don't know. it's an interesting question. i think the reason really something special about french films which makes them special senior and sets them apart from other stuff but i can't tell you exactly what it is that makes american
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films different from french films. american. actually the raw america. films that are quite realistic which is about the goodison references but the thing about french film says i guess we know how to make films about our times you know that if you. look at book but that you know anything about russian cinema those are the. no really we yes yes yes wait a minute i'll give me some russian films. bill. that's a russian director right i know him. i think he may be the only russian director we know in france he's the only one i know although i'm not really an expert on the russian illnesses and this is a contemporary wish and filmmaker and he is one of us. ok now let's talk about
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we started talking about hollywood yes well actually hollywood is is the best factory of making movies sure it's the biggest in the world but well i. like to say that hollywood is killing the movies why because because it's so it's such a high standard of movie making and then when you see an ordinary film. with a low budget you see the low budget and people only used to watching these these little because they are used to watching these fifteen cameras specially that's all that well do you think do you think the hollywood is really killing like the real cinema or he's trying to elevate the world cinema to the style is it good or bad well. what. i can't tell you whether it's good or bad. thing is you need all sorts of films for all sorts of people. and even
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americans but there are multimillion budgets for viva help promote the film industry all over the world they help attract new viewers. it is difficult to produce a film on a limited budget. so in france big films help generate money that can then be used to make low budget films. but there is professional solidarity. i'm not really a big fan of hollywood blockbusters. i prefer. by sort of burgas some more for example mendis thrillist. but i think you also need for a broader audience you need something spectacular what's happening to the stories because what you do is what you call the shows the levee i mean but the how with
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the bigger the film the smaller the story that no stories at all i mean i mean why is that isn't because people don't want stories they just what happened well no no no i don't think so and i think people care about stories. by these people don't like it when those stories are too complex. being in another world seeing the visual effects spectacular sights of the same people can then go and see the film that talks about serious deeper things so i thing you need both but what. you need both wolf and i ok do you have any special characters any person or whatever or well maybe maybe not a real person somebody that you would like to play that you will well while you wish to play is there somebody you want to you want to be on stage or.
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would love to play a real person. i would love to play in what they call a biopic. i don't know if i could play say an athlete. maybe a former. at the end of his career. or maybe a well known artist. and then. do something like that. for example there was a film about each comic book. so i would love to portray a real historical figure and some i mean you know of course i mean. would you play your for. if there's a story about your father coming to france would you like to play this well. it's a good idea but my father is not famous nobody knows him. but i can tell people about him. actually it's an excellent idea never occurred to me you're
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right life can be easily turned into a script and. this is often the case with people who move to another country and try to make a home there think about it so you can make this film and when you make it i'll play that russian journalist who we interview your son. it's a deal listen you got this seize our award the couple of days ago in two thousand and seven. do these do the awards and things like that really mean a lot. of filmmakers. are they important. yes they're important. especially as regards me personally who are the best and then. yes if you receive an award having grown up in a poor neighborhood in new york from the world of arts and then you receive such an award it means a lot to you. but i q but i'm not very competitive because i don't like to compete
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of course i think it is important to have a ceremony with the warty instead the media it is important to have a show. but the main thing is you need to create something artistic we need to make films you need to work something. out there is only yes i'm happy that i have received these our award went on the. ice is asses on the van which of course you hold talks on for the. arctic medicine or. well this is. just a reminder that my guest on the show today was cad metti had famous french actor filmmaker and television star and that's it for now from all of us here spotlighted will be back. with more first and comments on who was going on in and outside russia and if you have someone in mind so you think i can that to be next time just drop me a line on album enough that i can hear well that's it from all of us here and until
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